Mission Partners
At Wellspring we understand that God desires his people to go into all the world.
We are delighted and joyed by the diversity of people and cultures that are reflective of a creative God who is actively engaged with his people.
We work towards and look forward to the reconciliation of all peoples, races and cultures through Jesus.
God loves both our neighbours and the nations! This is something Wellspring has always believed and practiced over its history: now we have an opportunity to make this clear and achievable for the next season.
We praise God for generous financial giving over many generations, which provide for Wellspring’s operation costs, sustaining the ministry and mission of our local church. Historically, we have encouraged members to individually support mission partners separately, as well giving some financial and prayerful support to a small number of organisations. In 2025, a new approach commits 2% of all income to investing in our ‘Handy 5 partners’ (one finger each to make a hand). Read below for our current Handy 5 partners.
The balance of these five partners/organisations ensures that every dollar given will reach overseas, cross-culturally, nationally, and locally, sharing LIFE WITH JESUS.

Engaging with Islam, Samuel Green
When we read the book of Acts, we see the Apostles of Jesus evangelise different religious groups: there are Jews, Samaritans, magicians, followers of Zeus, Artemis, and John the Baptist, but we never read of any Apostle evangelising Muslims. The reason for this is of course that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born around 550 years after Jesus. This may sound like an obvious observation to make, but the absence of Islam in the Bible has an effect on Christians. The Engaging with Islam ministry provides research, training, tools for evangelism, answers to common questions, and advice, so that the Christian can be prepared to share and defend the Gospel.
Samuel Green works for AFES as an Islamic Specialist. Please support his work by partnering him in prayer or supporting him financially.
Check out some of Sam's articles and engaging with Islam work

Bush Church Aid: Southern Beaches, Horne Family
The Bush Church Aid (BCA) Society has a heart for people living in rural, regional and remote Australia. They are committed to going the distance to reach Australia for Christ. Wellspring’s key partner through BCA will be the Southern Beaches church plant led by David & Lauren Horne (children: Elka, Posy and Lenny). 2024 marks the fourth year for the Hornes in the Southern Beaches. Dave continues to serve as Minister of a growing church of about 60 people, the only church in a community of 7000 people.

Cambodia, Abraham Hang
Education, particularly English, is one of the greatest needs in Cambodia and is probably the most significant factor for people to gain
sustainable employment. The cost of public schools, let alone private, is beyond the means of the poor in Cambodia, so the primary school is a strategic way for the church to serve the community. Wellspring has had a long relationship supporting Abraham Hang’s school and church ministry (Development for the People of Cambodia) in his home country, since 2008.
Abraham models a holistic ministry, loving in actions and words, caring for people's spiritual and physical needs, Christian and non-Christian alike. To enable us to best support Abraham, we partner with Global Development Group, an Australian-founded non-government overseas humanitarian development organisation, which facilitates tax-deductible giving.

Church Missionary Society, Tasmania
The Church Missionary Society (CMS) Tasmania is a fellowship of Christian people and churches committed to global mission. Birthed out of the Church of England in 1799, they work with churches to set apart long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. CMS Tasmania exists to make Jesus known through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world. Wellspring has a long history with CMS. More recently, partnering with link missionaries, Tim & Emma and Ellie; providing office space for the current State Director; and supporting and encouraging parishioners to attend the summer missions conference.
In 2024, Wellspring is again partnering with a family, the Cardens, who will start training at St Andrew's Hall mid-2025, and head overseas, God-willing, in 2026.

Subbies is for international students from South Asia - including India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. (The word "Subbies" is short for "Subcontinent"). Everyone is at Subbies - no matter what your religious or ethnic background. Each week at Wellspring, they enjoy food, fun, friends, faith and festivals. Subbies is designed to be a home away from home for international students. It is a safe place for everyone to meet others from their home country, as well as connect with friendly local Australians.