PREPARE: a call to united prayer and fasting

God of strength and wisdom,
you are worthy of all praise
and you are trustworthy in the midst of change.
As we at Wellspring enter a new season,
grow in us the gifts and fruit of your Spirt
grant us godly leaders
and deepen our life together with Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Our church is in a season of transition, as you’ve heard communicated in recent months. And so we turn to God. Only recently, our staff team contemplated this and opened the next chapter of a book we were reading with the main topic of fasting. As its author Paul Miller argues, “Scripture almost assumes fasting [is practiced] when we need a breakthrough of some sort… Fasting thins the veil between you and heaven by cutting off your most basic desire — food… The longer you fast the weaker you become physically. That weakness mirrors the state of our souls and makes prayer easy. Any kind of poverty… weakens you, leaving you with few options, so you are quick to cry out for grace.”
In considering all of this, and what relevance it may have for Wellspring, it didn’t take us long to connect the dots to our current season of transition. At this time in our LIFE WITH JESUS, Wellspring has a unique opportunity to express our dependence upon (yes, our desperation for) God to move. Change is often difficult and always creative, church leadership changes even more so, since it underscores how Jesus leads our church when pastors step down.
So what does the bible say about the combination of prayer and fasting?
In passages such as Esther 4, Joel 1, Matthew 4, Matthew 6, and Acts 13, we can summarise an answer like this:
- Responding to crisis with prayerful fasting declares with their bodies and wills that God’s people need God to move
- Prayerful fasting before or during a time of transition focuses the mind’s attention and heart’s affection on God
- A habit of regular prayerful fasting positions a church community to receive God’s revelation
How is this going to work in practice?
In short, we’re calling this season simply “PREPARE”
- There will be three Wednesday night corporate prayer gatherings in total (Oct 30th, Nov 13th, Nov 27th). The Thursday after each of these will be declared a day of fasting (Oct 31st, Nov 14th, Nov 28th).
- Click here for some resources to help you engage during this season, including for children and families.
- A ‘prayer wall’ will be organised, displayed on the glass between St Peter’s stairs and the foyer sliding doors: you’ll be invited to write your own petitions and post them there.
- Everyone is invited to be involved to the degree they’re able. We’re not encouraging people to fast for weeks on end, and indeed there are many ways to fast that don’t include food. For some, going without technology or caffeine or treats is as big a deal as giving up food. And for lots of good medical reasons, a food fast is not appropriate for many people.
- However you engage, your efforts will be worth it. Indeed, what a powerful message to send to an incoming Rector: that their new church family has been seeking God, not just for their arrival, but for Wellspring’s broader alignment with the purposes of God in this season.