Easter 2024

Our 2024 Easter theme is “True and Living Hope”.

In an increasingly polarised world, full of anxiety and anger, and in which people are increasingly aware of whom they can and can’t trust, a hope that’s fake-proof and death-proof is good news. We look to Jesus this Easter, who by his death and resurrection proves He is our true and living hope.

We invite you and those you know to our gatherings this year. There’ll be a mix of reflective (8am on Good Friday and Easter Sunday) and family-friendly (10am Good Friday and Easter Sunday). Plus a good old fashioned Auditorium egg hunt!

10am will be available on zoom on Friday and Sunday: Direct link or Meeting ID: 680 948 163 and Password: 174297

5:30pm will also be available on zoom on Sunday: Direct link or Meeting ID: 194 699 691
No Password