Life with Jesus: Easter 2022

War, floods, pandemic, climate change, institutional distrust. Our world is in chaos and seems to lurch from crisis to crisis. What might the Easter story have to say about our times? Quite a lot, in fact.
Jesus’ journey was full of violence and weakness, which appeared chaotic and hopeless. And yet, amidst the darkness, God was shining a light; from suffering, came glory. This Easter, you’re invited to confront the chaos with the Christ who overcomes it.
We look forward to welcoming you to our services over the Easter weekend.
Good Friday
8am: A service focussing on Mark’s account of Jesus’ suffering and death, with songs that reflect on and celebrate God’s sacrificial love.
In person.
10am: With ‘King over chaos’ as our theme, we need to come to grips with how the world is in chaos; God sends Jesus to be born and live within that chaos (rather than stand aloof from it); Jesus finds a way, through his life and cross, to identify primarily with suffering and pained people; and Jesus experiences the worst kind of crisis in abandonment by God.
In person or via zoom (Meeting ID: 829 4269 5423 Passcode: 544840)
Easter Sunday
8am: A celebration of the Lord’s Supper as we celebrate Jesus’ victory over the chaos of sin and death.
10am Celebration for all ages! You’re invited to our 10am gathering this Easter Sunday. Different families will play their parts; there’ll be an egg hunt, fun skit, and a message of hope in Jesus the King who overcomes chaos.
Join in person, or online
Direct link or Meeting ID: 680 948 163 and Password: 174297
2pm (chinese language with guest speaker)
5:30pm Join in person or online
Direct link or Meeting ID: 194 699 691